Thursday 13 December 2012

My inspiration for my magazine

This article by Alexey Brodovitch inspired me because of how the text copies the formation of the image next to it. I like the simplicity of how the article looks like and i really wanted to show that within my own work. This image also inspired me to do an article on fashion. I quickly thought about Yves Saint Laurent and how much he's been in the fashion news. 

Original logo picture: 
He has been in the fashion news lately for the changing of the original logo that is going to happen in the next year. Therefore i found an article discussing why it is changing and the problematic issue that it may or may not cause. 

The reason why i chose to use the Mondrain as my background of my newspaper because Yves Saint Laurent is highly known for his Mondrain inspired day dress. Therefore I just wanted to use one of his most famous clothing pieces. 

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